Archive for July 22nd, 2008

Import Certificate to WAS

Import Certificate
1.    Use Mozilla 3.0 and visit the URL with HTTPS
2.    View the certificate; go to Details tab, and Export. Choose X.509 Certificate (DER)
3.    Execute D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\ikeyman.bat
4.    Open ServerTrust file in D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Portal\etc\DummyServerTrustFile.jks
5.    Use default password: WebAS
6.    Add certificate that you imported earlier
7.    Restart the WAS

Adding WAS Console Users

The followings are the steps to add WAS console users:
1.    Prepare the user to be added as WAS console user
2.    Check-out the “wmmWASAdmin.xml” file, using this command: “wpsconfig.bat check-out-wmm-cfg-files-from-dmgr –DWasPassword=<waspassword>”
3.    Edit the “D:\IBM\WebSphere\PortalServer\wmm\wmmWASAdmin.xml”
4.    Add the user entry into it. Make sure the password is encrypted.
a.    Run “wpsconfig.bat –Dpassword=<password> wmm-encrypt to encrypt the password
b.    Copy the result into that new entry
5.    Check-in the “wmmWASAdmin.xml” file, using the command: “wpsconfig.bat check-in-wmm-cfg-files-to-dmgr –DWasPassword=<waspassword>”
6.    Login to WASConsole
7.    Add the user to the Console User
8.    Save and restart the server1 or DMGR and NodeAgent