Archive for the ‘ Android ’ Category

How to Compile Titanium Appcelerator Source Code in Linux Ubuntu 11

This document explains the steps to compile Titanium Appcelerator in Ubuntu 11

1. Install Phyton

Follow these steps wget tar -xvzf Python-2.5.5.tgz cd Python-2.5.5 ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/python2.5 make make test sudo make install sudo ln -s /usr/local/python2.5/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.5

2. Install Scons

Visit the website and select the “Tarball”, because we are going to build the scons manually

3. Download the Appcelerator source code from GitHub

4. Make sure that you extract the sourcecode files into the folder which contains NO space, otherwise it will not be able to compile later on

5. Set the JAVA_HOME

Type: JAVA_HOME= Type: export JAVA_HOME

6. Set the PATH

Type: PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH Type: export PATH

7. In Linux, you can only build android codes, so you need to add the Android SDK into your scons parameter as follow

scons android_sdk=

for example: scons android_sdk=/apps/android/androidSDK11/android-sdk-linux_x86/

8. Compiling and make sure that you see the BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Google API

Possible Errors: 1. package does not exist

Make sure that you have installed the Google API in the Android SDK. How to do this? Use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to install Google API from the Available Packages, then select Google Inc, and select the latest Google API.

Google API

You might need to add the maps.jar into the ANT build classpath. Edit the common.xml, and Find the path id=”android”, to add the maps.jar

Google API